South East Chiropractic consists of Brisbane CBD Chiropractic located on the edge of the central business district (CBD) in Spring Hill, and Victoria Point Chiropractic in the Victoria Point Lakeside shopping centre.
John Worrall graduated as a chiropractor in 1985, moved to Brisbane and established his first practice at Coorparoo in 1987 and remained there until June of 2012. He purchased Victoria Point Chiropractic in August 2003, Cleveland Chiropractic in November 2012 and Brisbane CBD Chiropractic in June 2015.
John is the current owner of Brisbane CBD Chiropractic and Victoria Point Chiropractic. He primarily practises at Brisbane CBD Chiropractic.
Brisbane CBD Chiropractic and Victoria Point Chiropractic have chiropractors with a diverse range of backgrounds and personalities. All have studied for a minimum of five years to complete university degrees. They are expected to be members of the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) or other professional body and adhere to the code of ethics of that body. All have attained registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (ARPHA) and must meet the stringent requirements of this body to maintain registration as a health professional. As part of this registration all chiropractors are required to continually update their expertise through professional development programs. All chiropractors in our group are expected to make continual learning an ongoing priority.
Victoria Point Chiropractic offers remedial massage therapy within the practice. In addition to holding a diploma in remedial massage, all therapists are members of Massage and Myotherapy Australia (MMA), Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA) or another professional association. Massage therapists are required to meet the requirements for continuing professional development set by these organisations.
Our health care practitioners respect the expertise of other health care disciplines and will therefore readily refer to and work cooperatively with radiologists and other medical practitioners, dentists, optometrists, podiatrists, physiotherapists, nutritionists, dieticians, and other health care professionals. We recognise that in complex health care, none of us has all the answers and that a multi disciplinary approach is about achieving the best possible outcomes for those under our care.
Profiles of all chiropractors and massage therapists can be found under the location they practice at:
South East Chiropractic aims to provide a high standard of care at each location.
Victoria Point Chiropractic and Brisbane CBD Chiropractic will be closed Thursday 6 March - Saturday 8 March 2025, inclusive.
We will advise should the closure need to be extended. For updates please phone our practice business numbers for recorded messages or check our Facebook pages.
Best wishes for your safety and welfare.