Caring for your spine with Chiropractic (By Bethany Higgins – Chiropractor at Victoria Point Chiropractic) The following are some questions you may ask of yourself if improving your general health and that of your spine is an important consideration. Do I maintain a healthy diet and weight? keep active with an exercise regime suited to my state of health? maintain proper posture and avoid prolonged inactivity? warm up or stretch before exercising or other physical activities? wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes? ensure […]
December 21, 2015 South East Chiropractic staffing information and Season’s GreetingsGareth Hood is a new chiropractor at Victoria Point Chiropractic. Gareth had been practising for many years around Newcastle. He commenced at Victoria Point 14th December 2015. Hannah Woodroffe-Hill will commence as a Remedial Massage Therapist at Victoria Point Chiropractic in January, not December as originally planned. Hannah will practise Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Individual profiles are available on this website under location of practice for all practitioners, including Hannah and Gareth. Contact the respective location for any further information. Require a […]
November 1, 2015 Chiropractors and a Massage Therapist join South East ChiropracticMelody Shu Yi Tan is a chiropractor practising at both Brisbane CBD and Victoria Point Chiropractic. Melody commenced at Brisbane CBD in September 2015 and Victoria Point in October 2015. She is fluent in English, Mandarin and Malay. Paul Douglass is a locum chiropractor. Paul will be available at Victoria Point Chiropractic to look after the patients of Bethany Higgins and Li-Sa Choi during their annual leave between December and February. He commenced in October 2015. We are pleased to […]
July 3, 2015 Brisbane CBD Chiropractic joins South East ChiropracticSouth East Chiropractic is a group that now consists of three practices, with the latest addition being Brisbane CBD Chiropractic. Many will know it by former name, Becker Chiropractic. John Worrall purchased Becker Chiropractic from Stefan Becker in June 2015. Becker Chiropractic is located at Spring Hill in the CBD of Brisbane City. Under John’s ownership, the practice name will change to Brisbane CBD Chiropractic. Practice address, telephone and fax contact details will not change. Stefan Becker will see patients at Spring Hill until […]
Victoria Point Chiropractic and Brisbane CBD Chiropractic will be closed Thursday 6 March - Saturday 8 March 2025, inclusive.
We will advise should the closure need to be extended. For updates please phone our practice business numbers for recorded messages or check our Facebook pages.
Best wishes for your safety and welfare.