Approximately 40 to 45 minutes.
A receptionist will ask you to complete a pre-consultation health history questionnaire to enable a chiropractor to evaluate your current and previous health status.
After completing the health history questionnaire you will be shown to a consultation room. A chiropractor will review your file. The chiropractor will then discuss areas of concern with you and may ask questions that focus on issues raised in your pre-consultation history.
A chiropractor will perform a series of tests and examinations to determine the cause of your problems, and whether your problems will benefit from chiropractic care. The chiropractor may need some time to correlate all the findings before any treatment and recommendations for care are given.
You may be referred to another professional for opinion before treatment commences. Radiological examination (X-rays) could be one such referral. Spinal X-rays may be bulk-billed to Medicare.
X-rays may be recommended by a Chiropractor after the examination and before your next appointment for three main reasons:
Before treatment you and a chiropractor will discuss consent. You will be asked to sign a consent form based on information presented by a chiropractor and outlined in the consent form.
The Report of Findings is approximately 30 minutes in duration and usually occurs at your second or third visit.
This report will include explanation of your physical and X-ray findings (if applicable); recommendations and suggestions to assist with your care. It can be advantageous to have company at this appointment to help you and those closest to you understand your particular needs. With consent and if required, treatment will be offered at this visit.
In some cases, health issues may be uncovered that need to be addressed by you, or by another health professional. We regularly work with health professionals from a range of disciplines as we do not believe that we have all the answers to all problems. We will assist you in prioritising your health care, and in seeking the best help at that time.
The duration of Subsequent visits may vary depending on your individual needs at the time.
Remember, diagnosis can never be made until a complete examination is performed, however if you’re suffering from the most common afflictions that may be the result of poor spinal health, you may enjoy results from chiropractic.
Victoria Point Chiropractic and Brisbane CBD Chiropractic will be closed Thursday 6 March - Saturday 8 March 2025, inclusive.
We will advise should the closure need to be extended. For updates please phone our practice business numbers for recorded messages or check our Facebook pages.
Best wishes for your safety and welfare.