The Covid-19 health crisis, with flow on social and economic effects is causing grief locally and worldwide. Our thoughts and best wishes are extended to all patients, their families and the community at large for the duration of this unprecedented challenge.
Brisbane CBD, Cleveland and Victoria Point Chiropractic are open and will remain open unless advice to the contrary becomes available. Chiropractic is an essential service and has an important role treating spinal and musculoskeletal problems that may otherwise result in visits to a doctor or the Emergency department of a hospital.
Massage therapy was deemed a non-essential service in March 2020 and remedial massage therapists Australia-wide were directed to cease massage. Many patients are missing massage and its many benefits, including assisting with pain relief and minimising the need for pain relief medication. We will advise when the directive is lifted.
Our Practices comply with advice and direction necessary to control the spread of Covid-19 provided by the World Health Organisation, State and Federal Health departments and governing bodies. Some of that advice includes the need for regular hand washing, hand sanitising, thorough cleaning of surfaces and social distancing. Reception areas appear bare as many items, such as books, magazines, toys and chairs have been removed.
We appreciate and thank patients for your support of our practices. We will continue to be available for you and will endeavour to keep you informed by: News on our website, Facebook, email, text, letters and phone calls.
Please note that not all practices can record phone messages or accept replies by text. Be guided by information from the practice you attend, the information on texts you receive and the recorded messages on practice phones.
Make appointments by phoning during business hours, email, or the manner you usually use at the practice you attend.
Take care and contact us if for any reason support or advice is required from your chiropractor or remedial massage therapist.
Back to Chiropractic NewsVictoria Point Chiropractic and Brisbane CBD Chiropractic will be closed Thursday 6 March - Saturday 8 March 2025, inclusive.
We will advise should the closure need to be extended. For updates please phone our practice business numbers for recorded messages or check our Facebook pages.
Best wishes for your safety and welfare.