By Leonie Schooling: Chiropractor Victoria Point Chiropractic
According to the Heart Foundation, just 30 minutes of brisk walking a day can increase your heart and lung fitness and reduce your risk of heart disease. It also increases muscle strength and endurance, creates a better posture and improves your spinal health.
Walking is the perfect low impact exercise that can easily fit into your busy schedule. Here are a few tips from the Chiropractic Association of Australia (ACA) on how to make it part of your daily routine:
For those who enjoy technology, the ACA has developed an app to help you track the progress of your walks, and when you are ready, can help you find walking events near you. Go to ‘Google play’ or ‘Apple App Store’ and download: JUST START WALKING
There are many ways to incorporate walking into your day. It’s simply a matter of finding what works for you, sticking to it, and creating the habit of putting your health first.
Victoria Point Chiropractic and Brisbane CBD Chiropractic will be closed Thursday 6 March - Saturday 8 March 2025, inclusive.
We will advise should the closure need to be extended. For updates please phone our practice business numbers for recorded messages or check our Facebook pages.
Best wishes for your safety and welfare.