Family Spinal Health 2023 Family Spinal Health 2023

Family Spinal Health 2023

December 21, 2022

We wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2023


Family Spinal Health in 2023

By Bethany Higgins: Chiropractor Victoria Point Chiropractic

It is important to have our children’s spinal health checked. Many pains and symptoms that present in teenage years and adulthood initiate from abnormal muscular and joint stress in our younger years. This is often due to poor posture and/or previous injury.

Poor posture is not simply age-related. As a chiropractor, I am seeing many young children and teenagers with posture worse than more senior folk. This can often be attributed to increasingly sedentary lifestyles due to factors including a shift to computer-based work, use of mobile devices, television, and readily accessible transport.

Poor posture means the muscles and joints need to work differently. This means there is more abnormal stress on your spine and soft tissues, which can lead to early and irreversible wear.

Your chiropractor can assess for scoliosis, poor posture, poor muscular function, poor joint motion and will be able to provide individual advice on how all members of the family can look after their spinal health and help prevent damage. Your chiropractor will refer if further investigation is indicated.

Pertinent to the start of 2023, your chiropractor can provide advice on important health-related matters, such as appropriate selection and wearing of backpacks, suitable exercise and how to exercise safely, postural, and ergonomic advice for home, study, and work.

For self-help:

Download the free Straighten Up app from the App Store or Google Play

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(07) 3839 8228
2nd Fl Wickham House,
155 Wickham Tce,
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
Victoria Point Chiropractic
Victoria Point Chiropractic
(07) 3207 9000
Shop H28 / Level 1
Victoria Point Lakeside
7 – 15 Bunker Road
Victoria Point, QLD, 4165

Cyclone Alfred Update

Victoria Point Chiropractic and Brisbane CBD Chiropractic will be closed Thursday 6 March - Saturday 8 March 2025, inclusive.

We will advise should the closure need to be extended. For updates please phone our practice business numbers for recorded messages or check our Facebook pages.

Best wishes for your safety and welfare.