It is important to note that a diagnosis can never be made until a preliminary examination is performed by a chiropractor. However, if you are unsure about whether chiropractic can help you, this section contains the most frequently asked questions at our practices.
Without the information provided by a preliminary examination, this is very difficult to answer. Generally, you’ll find chiropractic is far less costly than continuing with poor spinal function and its associated health problems. Please directly contact our Brisbane CBD or Victoria Point clinics if you have queries relating to fees.
We accept a variety of payment options including: cash, cheque, credit and debit cards through our EFTPOS facility. In order to maintain our fees at or below those recommended by the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA), payment is expected at time of service. As a matter of policy we may choose not to direct bill Workers’ Compensation, Medicare or private health funds.
Chiropractors in Australia are required to graduate from an accredited program at one of the following Universities: Macquarie University in Sydney, Murdoch University in Perth, Central Queensland University in Brisbane. All these programs are accredited by the Australian Health Professional Registration Authority (AHPRA), the same body that accredits and registers all registrable health professions in Australia. Graduates from outside Australia are required to sit examinations set by the Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia (CCEA) before they can gain registration in Australia.
All programs in Australia require five years full-time study, with a focus on human biology, human anatomy, neuroanatomy, physiology and pathology. There are large components of the programs focusing on diagnostic sciences, diagnostic imaging, biomechanics, ergonomics, as well as on particular subjects relating to chiropractic techniques.
All Chiropractors in our group have completed degree level programs of at least five years in duration.
Chiropractors are trained to treat all manner of people. A thorough history is taken and an appropriate physical examination performed before any treatment is recommended or given to any new patient. All patients are treated according to diagnosis and their own specific needs.
Chiropractors in our practices who do treat children facilitate natural movements and treat babies and young children using exercises, positioning, and gentle stretches which is current best practice and based on literature reviews.
Chiropractors by their training are able to treat and modify treatment approaches to suit most age groups. The assessment of infants through to the very old is common in most chiropractic practices. All treatment is based on the best available evidence to suit your individual circumstances.
Individual chiropractors have a responsibility to practice within their training and experience and some chiropractors are more comfortable treating certain age groups than others. Feel free to call either practice. We will be happy to discuss options with you if you have a question relating to which chiropractor you should see.
When a practitioner in our group determines that a particular case is outside their scope of training, experience or practice mode they will endeavour to locate a chiropractor that does have the expertise needed for your particular case within our group, or if necessary, refer you to another health care provider who can assist you.
In some cases health issues may be uncovered that need to be addressed by you, or by another health professional. We regularly work with other health professionals from a range of disciplines as we do not believe that we have all the answers to all problems. We will assist you in prioritising your health care, and in seeking the most appropriate help at that time.
Headaches, back pain and stiff necks are common reasons for seeing a chiropractor; however, more and more people are requiring preventative care as they find they maintain better health and have less down time from work and play.
Interestingly, pain is not always associated with early spinal dysfunction and degeneration can be advanced before pain becomes a symptom. On the other hand, patients can present in a great deal of pain but have less complex problems to resolve.
Some patients report weakness in their arms, hands, legs, or a pain in their jaw, elbow, ankle or knee as reasons for making an initial appointment to see a chiropractor. All of these symptoms can result from spinal dysfunction and associated nerve interference. We recommend that everyone should have their spine checked.
Victoria Point Chiropractic and Brisbane CBD Chiropractic will be closed Thursday 6 March - Saturday 8 March 2025, inclusive.
We will advise should the closure need to be extended. For updates please phone our practice business numbers for recorded messages or check our Facebook pages.
Best wishes for your safety and welfare.