Improve Mobility and Sports Performance with Chiropractic Improve Mobility and Sports Performance with Chiropractic

Improve Mobility and Sports Performance with Chiropractic

May 5, 2023

By Philippa Wordsworth: Chiropractor at Victoria Point Chiropractic

Do you participate in competitive sport or are you simply wanting to enhance movement and function during regular walks or everyday activity. Chiropractic can help prevent and manage injuries, increase range of motion, flexibility, balance and stimulate your nervous system to activate muscles to achieve the most out of your activity.

One way to visualise our nervous system is as a garden hose, free flowing without interruption. However, if there is a kink in the hose the flow is interrupted and the garden at the end does not get enough water to flourish. Similarly, if nerve supply to our muscles is interrupted, our bodies do not function optimally. As the nervous system is responsible for movement, regardless of age, increasing nerve supply to your muscles will strengthen them as they will receive more input from the brain.

Stiffness can reduce flexibility and affect your movement, potentially even stopping you from participating in activity. Maintaining and increasing range of motion will have you walking to potential whether that be metres or kilometres. You may also benefit from reduced inflammation and improved circulation making it easier to avoid injuries during physical activity.

A multidisciplinary approach to improve function and have your body flourishing can be achieved through chiropractic, dry needling, and massage therapy. Chiropractic and massage therapy aim to decrease pain, joint and muscle stiffness, allowing you to move more freely and decrease risk of injury. Dry needling is used to treat trigger points for pain relief.

Whatever your goals, with the assistance of chiropractic your confidence will improve without you even noticing, and in time when you look back you will find you are walking further and faster or scoring more goals in your sport.

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Cyclone Alfred Update

Victoria Point Chiropractic and Brisbane CBD Chiropractic will be closed Thursday 6 March - Saturday 8 March 2025, inclusive.

We will advise should the closure need to be extended. For updates please phone our practice business numbers for recorded messages or check our Facebook pages.

Best wishes for your safety and welfare.