Why Do You Need Chiropractic? Why Do You Need Chiropractic?

Why Do You Need Chiropractic?

May 1, 2016

(By Melody Shu Yi Tan – Chiropractor at Victoria Point and Brisbane CBD)

As Chiropractors, we look at the biomechanics and the co-ordination of movement of all joints with a particular emphasis on the spine. Small abnormal spinal dysfunctions can lead to significant changes in our body, such as increases or decreases in muscle tone, irritation of spinal nerves, pain, altered posture and increased loading on joints, muscles and ligaments.

You might say, “I don’t feel any of the things you mentioned. I have no pain. Why do I need chiropractic care?” Often, some the above symptoms are not “felt” or are not obvious to the untrained person.

Our Chiropractors perform comprehensive spinal assessments and discuss their findings so that you can make an informed decision about taking care of your spine. They also perform pre and post treatment checks to ensure that your body is responding appropriately.

Many athletes receive chiropractic care as they understand that when placing their bodies under the significant loading of sporting activity they need to be functioning at their very best.

The elderly, frail, children and pregnant women are not treated in the same manner as an athlete. Chiropractors utilize a variety of techniques and all treatment is specific to personal need.

Chiropractic is about movement, function and structure and how we can help bodies deal with the physical stressors of life.

Chiropractors strive to keep everyone in their best form.

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Brisbane CBD Chiropractic
Brisbane CBD Chiropractic
(07) 3839 8228
2nd Fl Wickham House,
155 Wickham Tce,
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
Victoria Point Chiropractic
Victoria Point Chiropractic
(07) 3207 9000
Shop H28 / Level 1
Victoria Point Lakeside
7 – 15 Bunker Road
Victoria Point, QLD, 4165

Cyclone Alfred Update

Victoria Point Chiropractic and Brisbane CBD Chiropractic will be closed Thursday 6 March - Saturday 8 March 2025, inclusive.

We will advise should the closure need to be extended. For updates please phone our practice business numbers for recorded messages or check our Facebook pages.

Best wishes for your safety and welfare.